Whether you’re an expert essential oiler or just starting out, there’s a lot of information on essential oils that can seem overwhelming. We’re here to answer some of our top essential oil questions, so you can feel confident about using oils... (Read More)
Think essential oils are just for aromatic or topical purposes? Think again! With Young Living’s Vitality™ essential oil line,* you can go from home cook to culinary artist with easy, elevated dishes! Create mouth-watering recipes that’ll have... (Read More)
You love to share essential oils with your family, so it makes sense that you want to share them with your pets as well! Before you begin using essential oils for pets, you need to know the answers to some important questions: Can you use essential... (Read More)
Essential oils are precious to the very end, but when the final drop makes its way out of the dropper, then what? If you’re an essential oil lover, chances are you’ve wondered what to do with the little amber bottles you have lying around... (Read More)
Nothing says summer fun like days playing in the sun and nights sleeping under cool, starry skies. Whether you’re packing your bags for beachside camping or hiking into the hinterlands, you won’t want to leave home without a camping kit ready to... (Read More)
There are countless ways to use essential oils. Applying them topically can bring a range of benefits, and we love using our Vitality™ line in favorite essential oil recipes. When we need a boost, there’s no denying that one of our favorite ways... (Read More)
It’s a common question and one you’ve probably had yourself: Which essential oils are safe to ingest? It can be hard to know if ingesting essential oils is safe; from Pinterest to YouTube, you’ll find thousands of different answers. We know... (Read More)
With so many essential oils to choose from, we can’t pick favorites. But there are some oils we keep coming back to over and over again. Whether we want to get some rest and relaxation, or we want to liven up our living areas, these are the oils... (Read More)
Can essential oils change your life? They sure have changed ours! From a Lavender-infused bedtime routine to a cleaner-smelling Lemon-y kitchen, we have the tips and tricks you need to start using essential oils. Read on for four ways to go from... (Read More)